Sometimes there are no words…

To describe a humbling experience. On March 15th I had the pleasure of styling the hair of five amazing women for a fashion show hosted by the AAPD also known as American Association for People with Disabilities. The models wore clothes designed by Norma Kamali. There were 14 models in all and they all had a disability.

I was not sure of what to expect because all I knew was the models had various disabilities and co-workers and myself would be styling their hair. I walked into the room carrying my equipment and the silent uncertain looks from the models turned into approving smiles and nods. I totally felt like a rock star! The mood was very high energy and everyone had a big smile on their face with kinds words to share. I was introduced to Norma Kamali and she was very approachable, warm and hands-on with the preparation of the models. Since she is a fashion icon I made sure I looked Carrie Bradshaw fabulous. I felt I was the one for the job. I did not hold my position based on arrogance, but on the assumption that the Lord’s favor was all over this experience. Not just for me, but for everyone involved.

While we were styling the models’ hair and make-up and as they were putting on their outfits to be modeled, I noticed the banter of the models. Their conversations were as casual as if there was not a fashion show going on. They talked about their jobs, boyfriends, hobbies, etc. They conversed about the gala and how excited they were to participate. They enjoyed the attention. No model seemed to be focused on they disability nor were they focused on anyone that may be staring at them. Laughter and smiles were the order of the day. As each model was finished with hair and/or make-up another model or stylist would compliment them on how beautiful they looked. Cameras were flashing like paparazzi. They were taking pictures of everything. With every humble breath they spoke of gratitude and appreciation.

The fashion show was starting in a few minutes and I had to finish styling one model. She was getting upset because Norma’s assistant kept approaching me to ask me how long I would be. I would say a few minutes each time. I knew the drill based on my years as an educator for Paul Mitchell. I insured my model that she would be on the stage and the assistants do what assistants do for the sake of hurrying things along. Sure enough she was the third model out on the stage.

We watched the models come out on stage. My co-workers who were complaining and nagging after we finished the models suddenly took a proud stance as they watched the models model their outfits. I fought back tears looking at them moving like proud peacocks across the stage. So many thoughts went through my head. God is good! The audience clapped and the photographers snapped pictures of them as they moved about. I felt like I just won the lottery.

When I arrived home after the fashion show, I thought about the models and the people attending the gala which included the fashion show. There are times in our lives which moments can be speechless. This was a moment that the Lord did not speak to me. He showed me. To feel His presence in a room full of women who may have even doubted everything about Him, but they wore His grace and mercy proudly was a moment in my life I will never forget.

But the meek will inherit the earth and enjoy great peace. Psalms 37:11

All the charm and beauty of a woman may have amounts to nothing if she reflects her Creator and assumes the posture of a graceful servant, she cannot help but command high respect and love.– Jeanne Hendricks